Edification Ministry
Team Lead:
Senior Minister,
Bro. Samuel Jones
The focus and goal of the edification ministry is to build up the body of Christ. It's scope is very broad, encompassing the preaching of God's word, classes, seminars and special guest speakers. The goals are to address the whole believer's needs. The ministry also includes home/hospital visitation. The edification ministry is driven by the scripture's admonition found in Ephesians 4:12 "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
Ministry Contact: Bro. Samuel Jones via email: or 817-475-8338
Acts of Kindness Ministry
Team Lead:
Associate Minister,
Bro. Jimmy Mobley
The ministry’s mission: "As we have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto those who are of the household of faith." Gal 6:10. The ministry seeks opportunities to serve thereby God receives all the glory. A few of the ministries sponsored: provide meals to disadvantaged families vetted by counselors of David Daniels Academy and Head Start of Greater Dallas. The meals are provided to the families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. The ministry also sponsors the Christmas Angel Tree and provides the children with shoes and uniforms at the start of the school year. Most of all, opportunities to serve the needs of saints in the household of faith. The foundation of the ministry is to seek opportunity to serve.
Ministry Contact: Bro. Jimmy Mobley via email:
Benevolence Ministry
Team Lead:
Associate Minister,
Bro. Jimmy Mobley
The mission of the Benevolence Ministry is to meet the needs of our congregation and outside the church. We want to bring the love of God to those in our community, across our nation, and throughout the world. We believe in the strong helping the weak and building up the body of believers. Our benevolence team demonstrates compassion and takes great pride and joy knowing we’ve helped someone along their journey of life. May God bless you all.
Ministry Contact: Bro. Jimmy Mobley via email:
Education Ministry
Team Lead:
Assistant Minister, Bro. James Mears
The Dalworth Park’s education department focuses on to teaching people about Christ, bringing people to Christ and how God's word can effectively change a person’s life.
Mission Statement: “Teaching God’s children to observe all things, whatsoever Christ has commanded us.”
If you want to be involved with the education department, be prepared for a lot of studying. You have to be an example of what you teach and have a love for people.
Ministry Contact: Bro. James Mears via email:
Women's Ministry
Team Lead:
Sis. Vanessa Mobely
The Women Ministry mission is to focus on sharing our faith and bringing souls to Christ. Our ministry provides opportunities for all women to serve in several capacities. We share our faith daily and ask God to guide and direct us. There are areas of work that will allow us to best serve and meet the needs of others. We are all blessed with one or more talents. Our talents are used to serve others and to glorify God. We are seeking to be like Christ through cultivating the fruits of the spirit. The fruits of the spirit are as follows… Love-I Cor. 13: 1John 2:10, John 3:16; Joy- Rom. 15:13; 1Peter 1:8; peace- Rom. 8:6; longsuffering – Col. 3:12, gentleness- James 1:21; goodness- Rom.15:4; faithfulness- He. 3:3; Luke 16: 10-12; meekness, and temperance. (Gal.5:22-23). As Christian Women we must always model and express love. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves (I Cor. 13:4-7). The Women Ministry provides assistance in volunteer work for the community. We service Nursing Homes, hospitals, and schools. We provide assistance wherever it’s needed.
Ministry Contact: Sis. Vanessa Mobley via email:
Men's Ministry
Team Lead:
Bro. Hulet Hope
The Dalworth Park Church of Christ Men's Ministry is about providing both social and spiritual activities for both seasoned and young men to assist in developing/bonding a genuine Christain relationship that will enable us to become true brothers in Christ. Our activities include:
Annual Super Bowl Fellowship
Attending Texas Rangers Baseball Games
Game nights at the Church Fellowship Hall
Annual Fish Fry
Annual Men's Conference
Men's Training Classes
It is our belief that as our men develop stronger spiritual and social relationships with one another our entire congregation will also develop stronger spiritual and social relationships with one another.
Ministry Contact: Bro. Hulet Hope via email:
Involvement Ministry
Team Lead:
Associate Minister,
Bro. Alva Adams
To support the mission of the Church in saving souls and serving saints, the involvement ministry exists to prepare members for works of service to strengthen the body and the community. The cornerstone scripture that roots the involvement ministry is Ephesians 4:11-13.
The goal of the involvement ministry is to maximize each member's potential in existing ministries, explore future ministries, and to aid those inactive members in finding their service related calling in God's kingdom.
The four pillars of the involvement ministry include the following:
A. Discover- your talents and abilities
B. Define- and translate your talents and abilities into actionable steps to impact the kingdom
C. Develop- members who have a desire for a particular ministry but lack the training
D. Deploy-members into their works of service to strengthen the kingdom
Ministry Contact: Bro. Alva Adams via email:
Evangelism Ministry
Here at Dalworth Park Church of Christ, we’re coming from behind these four walls to meet you in the streets to share the good news about God’s word. Our goal is to seek souls in the community where the church sits and invite everyone in to fellowship with us as our guest.
Team Lead: Associate Minister
Ministry Contact:
Bring-A-Friend-Sunday – Sharing God’s Word:
At Dalworth Park every third Sunday of each month has been designated as Bring-A-Friend-Sunday.
Evangelism occurs easily within existing relationships verses talking to strangers. We tend to have credibility with our friends and family members, and they are more likely to take the gospel seriously. To those of us who have non-Christian friends or relatives should be aware of the opportunity that we have to reach these friends and loved ones for Christ. Part of our motivation for sharing the gospel with others is the vision of seeing our friends find Christ and grow spiritually.
We should ask for prayer support from Christian friends in reaching these people. We then should patiently and carefully endeavor to share the grace of God with them.
Dalworth Park Food Distribution:
Calling out our Grand Prairie CommunityBe sure to stop by the Dalworth Park Life Management Center for FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION! *While supplies last*
Date: TBD for 2025
Time: 9 AM-11 AM
Location: 1930 W.E. Roberts, Grand Prairie, TX, 75051. (Dalworth Park Church of Christ)
Now stop on by and let us show you some of our Dalworth Park Love!
Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. — Isaiah 58:10 NLT
Get On The Bus:
The Get On The Bus fair is an annual community event by Dalworth Park Church of Christ. This event provides school and clothing supplies to all grades. We also educate our community on health and public safety issues. This year, the Get On The Bus fair is scheduled to take place on TBD for 2025, from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (while supplies last). The location of event will be held at 1930 W. E. Roberts St, Grand Prairie, TX 75051. Please check back for more details.